for competitive sports

Hagen Bossdorf

    born 1964
  • Competitive career in handball
  • 1986 - 1990
  • Study of Journalism + Sport in Leipzig
  • 1990 - 1992
  • Daily newspaper “taz”
  • 1992 - 2000
  • Head of Sports East German Broadcasting ORB
  • 2000 - 2002
  • Editor-in-Chief East German Broadcasting ORB
  • 2002 - 2007
  • ARD Sports Coordinator
  • Seit 2007
  • Consultant for Media Rights + Strategies

Die Finals GmbH - Executive Director

IWGA - TV & Marketing Coordinator The World Games

ALLIANZ, SAP - Sports Sponsorship Consultant

MBS - Lecturer at Munich Business School

Fair play
and team spirit

Torsten Püschel

born 1972
    1994 - 1996
  • Intermediate diploma in communication science TU Dresdeng
  • 1995 - 2000
  • Producer & presenter Radio Energy & Radio mdr Sputnik
  • seit 2000
  • Commentator & Film Producer ARD/MDR TV Sport
  • 2002 - 2006
  • Managing Partner sieg & soehne Sportkommunikation
  • 2017 - 2020
  • Managing Partner FIS Ski World Cup Dresden
  • seit 2020
  • Project Manager, Die Finals GmbH


Commentator - football, water diving, Nordic combined, boxing, Olympic Games since 2006, World and European Championships

Film producer - Katarina Witt, Henry Maske, Eric Frenzel, Ulli Wegner

TV Producer

European Games, GCC Gulf Games, World Games, Allianz


Organisation and marketing - FIS Ski World Cup Dresden, Dresden Monarchs (German Champion American Football)